It's your birthday, It's your birthday... :) My wonderful Aunt Jeanna was singing this to me last Sunday! :)
June 3rd was an AMAZING day! I turned 20! WOW! I didn't see it coming! lol
Twenty = 20 = the big two zero
My wonderful Grandma also celebrates her birthday on June 3th as well as her twin sister, Nelda (and Aunt Nelda's grandson...I've never had to party alone)!! :)
June 2nd...
June 2nd...
After work on Saturday, my family and I met Grandma, Uncle Dale and Aunt Tammy for Grandma's birthday dinner! We went to a little place in the country for some 'all you can eat' fish and shrimp! It was real good!! :)
Grandma & I
Me with the random pig! lol :)
We had a fun time eating! After dinner we headed to Grandma's... We all played a fun game of Spinners! Zachary won but Grandma was close behind with just one more point! I got a card in the mail right before we went to eat! :)
June 3rd...
The next day... MY BIRTHDAY... was Sunday! We went to our church! Both services were filled with the presence of God! God is so good!!
On the way to church Sunday morning, I was having a blast checking my busy facebook page on Dad's iphone!
June 3rd...
The next day... MY BIRTHDAY... was Sunday! We went to our church! Both services were filled with the presence of God! God is so good!!
On the way to church Sunday morning, I was having a blast checking my busy facebook page on Dad's iphone!

Oh, I got a phone call right before lunch too! Mom cooked a wonderful roast with all the trimmings! Then cake.. or.. in my case.. CHEESECAKE! :)

I was trying to get a picture and most of it kinda came off the cake stand! lol

It was soooo good! :)

Enjoying my 'cake' :)
Sunday afternoon was filled with more facebook posts and text messages! :) We had church again at six. My Uncle Tommy (Pastor Goodwin) led the church in 'Happy Birthday' after the altar service. After enjoying some fellowship at church, the youth group, family and friends went to eat with me at MooYah's.

They wrote Happy Birthday all over the wall! :)

My little cousin, Audreanna :) She was loving the camera flash lol :)

My Awesome Youth Group with our incredible Youth Pastors!!
It was a blast!! I got to sit at a table full of laughing girls!! LOL :)
Be looking for more posts :) My family and I are going on a missions trip soon! Yay!! So hopefully soon I'll have pictures from that to show ya'll!
With Love,
Hannah Breanne
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